XUI.ONE vs Xtream UI

Xtream UI is one of the best free IPTV Panel. The panel started being popular after official Xtream Codes were taken down in September 2019. Xtream UI was made with core script of Xtream Codes and upgraded later by some team guys and called it Xtream UI.

It helped affected resellers and admin panel owners when main Xtream Codes were taken down and there was no news of it.

XUI.ONE Details

XUI is new fully featured IPTV program that is more secure and fast. The prices may start from £80 per month with unlimited load balancers option. The software has a lot more security, reseller and admin options. It’s like the paid and updated version of Xtream UI. Their first paid product has been officially launched, you can buy and start with more professional IPTV Panel now.

Update 03/2023
XUI stopped their service in early 2022. You can use the cracked version now.

Xtream UI Details

Xtream UI has an interesting history – it’s been around for a while, but it wasn’t very popular at first due to some bugs and missing features. However, when the main platform, Xtream Codes, was taken down, Xtream UI’s popularity skyrocketed. In fact, around 90% of the users from the original Xtream Codes platform switched to Xtream UI. The owners of Xtream UI even added an option to restore backups from Xtream Codes into their own platform.

Since then, Xtream UI has had many updates and releases, with the most recent official version being Xtream UI R21, and the beta version being Xtream UI R22F. However, development of Xtream UI has since stopped, and the most recent fully featured version, Xtream UI R22F, is now available for free.

While Xtream UI is a useful tool, it’s important to note that it has some security issues. If you’re tech-savvy, you can take steps to make it more secure, but it’s not the most secure option out there.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://iptvblog.net/xui-one-vs-xtream-ui/